Pieter van Uchelen

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Chambers Europe

meer over Pieter

Pieter van Uchelen

Partner | Advocaat

Pieter is gespecialiseerd in ondernemingsrecht met de nadruk op fusies & overnames, private equity en infrastructuur transacties. Hij heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring op deze gebieden.

Hij is gastdocent aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en doceert fusies en overnames voor Stichting Beroepsopleiding Bedrijfsjuristen.

T  +31 (0)20 30 35 975
M +31 (0)6 531 38 431
F  +31 (0)20 30 35 999


Corporate Transactions
Private equity
Infrastructuur transacties


Nederlands recht, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg.

Legal 500: 'Pieter van Uchelen and his team are very hands-on and take initiative in helping the process forward and solving discussions within the investment consortium without losing sight of clients’ interest.' (2023)

Chambers Europe and Global: Pieter advises clients on acquisitions and divestments, often involving the food and beverage sector. He also has experience in distressed M&A transactions. A client underlines that he "combines technical knowledge and skills with customer knowledge and a practical approach." (2022) Pieter van Uchelen acts on domestic and cross-border acquisitions for Dutch corporate entities, in addition to assisting private equity firms with cross-border transactions. Clients cite his scope as a practitioner, one claiming that "he combines technical skills and great knowledge of the law with practical solutions." (2021)